Seafood Market


Market Alerts

Supply steady, pricing steady
Potential supply challenges or near-term price increases
Current supply challenges and price increases


King Salmon (Wild) – Both Washington and Oregon are producing troll caught fish. The catch area in Washington is Neah Bay and Westport. The catch area in Oregon is Coos Bay.

Refresh Sockeye Salmon (Wild) – Refresh Sockeye is available now.

Sockeye Salmon (Wild) – As expected the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has continued to conservatively manage the Copper River fishery. After three consecutive openers the ADF&G reduced the number of fishing periods per week from two to one as they wait for the salmon to reach escapement goals.

Other areas will slowly begin producing sockeye. Resurrection Bay and Prince William Sound are the next areas we expect to have at our facility.

Refresh Coho Salmon (Wild) – Frozen at Sea and refresh product is available now. Product is from Haida Gwaii of the coast of British Columbia (BC).

Wild Halibut – Availability is stable on 10/20 LB fish. Larger fish seem somewhat limited.

Rock Fish – Availability is strong. Primary catch area is British Columbia.

Dover Sole – Availability is strong. The primary catch area is the Oregon Coast.

True Cod –Availability will be erratic. Primary catch area is British Columbia.

Ling Cod – Supply is stable. Primary catch area is British Columbia.

Sablefish (Black Cod) – Supply is stable with lower prices then last year.

Dungeness Crab – Crabmeat is readily available. Dungeness sections are in short supply.

Snow Crab – Supply is strong from eastern Canada.

King Crab – Product is very limited.


Atlantic Salmon – Supply is stable.

Steelhead, Norway (Farmed) – Product is available, and pricing is stable. The whole fish size is running between 8 to 10 lbs.

King Salmon (Farmed) – Supply of Creative™ Farm Kings is stable.

Manila Clams – Primary harvest areas are Willapa Bay and North Puget Sound. On May 30th, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) initiated a paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) recall for three areas in Willapa Bay. Northern Fish does not typically source products from the affected areas and none of our customers were subject to the recall. We do expect supply constraints as the DOH looks to limit the risk to the consumer. Most areas in the Willapa are now subject to enhanced screening on all shellfish and some areas that we source from have gone offline. This process will hopefully reduce the need for a recall by catching elevated PSP levels prior to entering commerce.

PSP is a naturally occurring marine biotoxin that is produced by certain types of microscopic algae. Shellfish eat these algae and retain the toxin. Normally, these levels are low and pose no health risk. However, when an algae bloom occurs it becomes a larger portion of the shellfish’s food source. PSP is not harmful to shellfish and the toxin eventually flushes through as the algae bloom subsides.

Oysters – Both Capital and Kusshi oysters are going offline for 60-90 days to allow time to grow. We recommend moving to Sun-seekers.

Shucked product availability may be affected by elevated PSP levels in the Willapa. One of our suppliers has suspended shucking operations as they wait for PSP levels to decrease.