Hero Block (h1)

"Show in page navigation" turned on under settings - green bar appears below hero


    Rich Content

    Image position - background (image with tattoo arm)

    Content Item - "image" added of chefs

    Content item - "image gallery" added. Color images become B/W.

    animated background

    Animated background with 7 images. As window scrolls, images animate. Used on HFS site with green icons animating over green BG.

    Block theme set to Dark.

    Local Leader

    Joe B

    Harbor Foods

    Local Leader block. Everything aligns left and image is full width. I have a second image set for mobile.

    Learn more

    Below is a product gallery. No headers or subheaders before the gallery. Includes an image, title and category, then text. Always 3 across.

    Supplier Spotlight

    Supplier name here. Supplier Spotlight text set permanently. Add BG image and supplier logo, then text. Size preformatted.

    Testimonials Block