May 16, 2024
Katie Hughes - Path of Progress

Katie Hughes
Procurement Manager
Katie's inspiring career journey showcases how taking initiative, building relationships, and staying genuine can propel professional growth at Harbor. Starting as a Buyer Assistant, Katie has transitioned through roles like Buyer, Procurement Specialist, and is now Harbor Foodservice's Procurement Manager. Katie's career story highlights the rewards of proactivity, stepping out of your comfort zone, and looking at the big picture at Harbor.
What roles have you held at Harbor?
Buyer assistant
Procurement specialist
Procurement manager
How did you make the transition from where you started to where you are now?
I volunteered for leadership roles in small group projects. I was encouraged (and supported) by my managers to explore anything that interested me. That ultimately lead to my thinking about the company as a whole, and how I could assist processes and relationships across multiple departments. I applied for positions that weren’t exactly what I wanted, but it let others know I wanted something more, and they took notice.
How long have you been with Harbor?
I came over with the transition from FSA at the very birth of Harbor Foodservice in 2019, lucky me! I began working at FSA Kent in 2003. I had a stint of staying home with my young children for a couple years, but couldn’t stay away. I came back to the same company, same department.
Any advice for advancing your career at Harbor?
Even if you’re not 100% comfortable, as positions became available, take advantage of the new opportunities. Speak up to managers when you want to advance. Look at the big picture, think about other departments you interact with, and how you can better work together to create efficiencies that benefit all.
As a long standing employee, what do you think is the most important quality to have to get your career started at Harbor?
This one is simple: Be your honest, genuine self. Being resourceful, friendly, and genuine (sound familiar? 😉) all played into building the relationships that helped me get to where I am today.